Ever wondered what a day in the life of a Dental Assistant student looks like? From lab to lecture, Dental Assistant students work on a multitude of tasks from day to day. Depending on how your school’s curriculum is set up, it can vary. Some days a Dental Assistant student may have a mixture of PowerPoint and textbook lectures, online Zoom lectures, or a lab day where students work on their practical skills. What better way to find out what a day in the life of a Dental Assistant student is like then to walk in their shoes. Healthcare Career College’s Dental Assistant student Maritza brings us along as she attends Dental Assisting class on campus. If you would like to follow along with her and see what a Dental Assistant student does in a day, then continue reading.
Lab Day as a Dental Assistant Student
The first stop Maritza makes at the start of her day as a Dental Assistant student is at the lab. The Dental Assistant laboratory is essentially a real-life dental laboratory that is meant for students to practice their skills. The dental lab is an environment where students become familiar with dental instruments, sterilization processes, setting up dental trays, and more. Maritza explains how important it is to wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before she works on any patients or works with any dental equipment. Personal Protective Equipment consists of a gown, mask, goggles, and gloves.
On this particular day, Maritza worked on taking bitewing x-rays on a practice manikin. Dental Assistant students take x-rays to check for decay and bone loss. Although Dental Assistant students have the opportunity to work on real-patients on externship, they can prepare early and be confident in their skills before performing them on real patients. Maritza continues forward with practicing mounting her x-rays and analyzes them for any errors. As Maritza’s day comes to an end she finishes by studying for her radiation health and safety exam and disinfects her desk for the next day.
A Day in the Life of a Dental Assistant Student to Be Continued…
Thank you for following along as Maritza details her day as a Dental Assistant student. This is a day in the life of a Dental Assistant student series which plans to continue forward with additional episodes. This episode consisted of only a fraction of what a Dental Assistant student learns and practices in a day. Look out for the next episode to stay up-to-date with Maritza and her journey to becoming a Dental Assistant.
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