Are you interested in becoming a Physical Therapist Aide? Physical Therapist Aides work under the supervision of a Physical Therapist and a Physical Therapist Assistant. Their job duties are composed of administrative work, direct patient care, and the transportation of patients who may need assistance with going to and from their physical therapy appointments. Physical Therapist Aides are needed in several types of healthcare facilities such as; hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient care facilities, and sports clinics. There are many benefits to becoming a Physical Therapist Aide, but there are a few things you should know before becoming one. If you would like to know 3 things about becoming a Physical Therapist Aide, then continue reading.
1. Physical Therapist Aides Are Different from Physical Therapist Assistants
Physical Therapist Aides and Physical Therapist Assistants can easily be confused as the same career, but they are different in regards to the amount of school that is required and the job duties involved. Physical Therapist Aides and Assistants both work under the supervision of a Physical Therapist as support members. Both careers work in the same department with the same goal which is to assist the Physical Therapist according to their scope of practice. Unlike Physical Therapist Aides, Physical Therapist Assistants require an Associate’s Degree to work or earn a Physical Therapist Assistant or PTA credential. Additionally, Physical Therapist Assistants can carry out physical therapy treatments directly from a Physical Therapist and work closely with patients to regain mobility and strength.
Physical Therapy Aides only require a high school diploma with either previous work experience or a certificate from a Physical Therapist Aide Program. Physical Therapist Aides work with patients indirectly completing tasks such as; cleaning and preparing exam rooms, clerical duties, and transporting patients. Visit the official American Physical Therapy Association or APTA website at https://www.apta.org/your-career/careers-in-physical-therapy if you would like additional information about Physical Therapist Aides and Physical Therapist Assistants.
2. Physical Therapist Aides Are in High Demand
The work a Physical Therapist Aide provides is essential to giving the highest quality of care to patients suffering from physical disabilities, injuries, and previous surgeries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for Physical Therapist Aides is estimated to increase by 21% within the next ten years. This increase in job opportunities is higher than the average occupation. This has to do with the aging population and increase in the number of individuals having health insurance coverage. Physical Therapist Aides provide support services to the Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant.
Without Physical Therapist Aides, healthcare facilities that offer physical therapy would not be properly prepared or staffed to provide the services needed by patients. Additionally, Physical Therapists rely heavily on their physical therapy team to offer the best physical therapy experience to every patient they encounter on a daily basis. Physical Therapy involves complex equipment, comprehensive past and current physical history consultations, and patient progress documentation which requires teamwork. A career as a Physical Therapist Aide has a bright future in the healthcare field and is a great opportunity for individuals looking for a rewarding healthcare career.
3. Physical Therapist Aides Work on Their Feet for Long Periods of Time
If you are someone who may have a physical disability, is looking for a career that involves sitting for most of the day, would like a career that is easy on your body, then a career as a Physical Therapist Aide may not be for you. A Physical Therapist Aide transports patients, cleans and prepares exam rooms, and completes occasional clerical duties. Transporting patients may require lifting, bending, twisting in all directions to move immobile, physically challenged, or disabled patients to and from treatment areas and exam rooms. Additionally, Physical Therapist Aides are constantly standing, walking, and moving while cleaning and preparing exam rooms for the next patient.
It is important to take into account the amount of strength and endurance this career may require. Although, this anyone can pursue a career in physical therapy, it is essential to understand what the day in the life of a Physical Therapist Aide would be like. A great way to do this would be to research information on the internet, shadow a Physical Therapist Aide in real-life, or visit a school that offers a Physical Therapist Aide Program where you can talk to current students about their experiences. With that being said, staying generally healthy and staying active is enough to work in this healthcare field. There are not many healthcare careers that offer a career path that does not require you to physically challenge yourself, but knowing that you are helping others and investing into your career goals is the ultimate reward.
Want to Become a Physical Therapist Aide?
Would you like to pursue a career in physical therapy as a Physical Therapist Aide? If you are ready to start a rewarding and life-long healthcare career where you can help others and grow your skills then take the first step by contacting a school near you. Your choice to change your life for the better can be completed in a short amount of time and with the help of several community resources. If you or someone you know would like to become a Physical Therapist Aide then visit healthcarecareercollege.edu and speak with an admissions representative to get started today!
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