How can you choose which massage therapy school is right for you? There are many benefits to becoming a Massage Therapist which include; work schedule flexibility, full-time and part-time employment opportunities, and the option to open your own massage therapy business.
Whether you’re looking for a career change or looking to expand your skills, becoming a massage therapist can be a very rewarding career. Before starting a massage therapy program there are a few things to look for in a massage therapy school. Things like tuitions and costs, the types of massage therapy they teach, graduation rate, job placement statistics, and scheduling.
Massage Therapy school tuition and costs?
The tuition and cost of one school to another depends on the type of program and if it’s a private or community college. Although they differ, one is not better than the other in regards to the quality of education. Additionally, when you compare a private college to a community college there is little difference in price once all costs are included.
The best route is to speak to a financial aid counselor to determine your out-of-pocket expenses and any financial aid you may qualify for. If a massage therapy program is degree-awarding you can expect this to increase your overall costs.
Types of Massage Therapy
A great benefit to studying Massage Therapy is you can specialize in a particular type of massage, for example; reflexology, shiatsu, sports therapy, hot stone therapy just to name a few. A massage therapist can apply certain massage techniques to patients according to their discomfort.
It’s important to find out which types of massage therapy a school offers. This way if you’re looking for a particular type of massage therapy you can locate a school that offers this. Healthcare Career College trains their students in swedish massage, sports massage, trigger point massage, and deep tissue massage.
How important are Graduation Rates?
Graduation rates are a good indicator of how a school is doing as far as their students graduating and obtaining certification for example; a school has a graduation rate of 50%. This means that only half of their students graduated. This doesn’t necessarily determine the validity of a school, but it does give you an idea of your potential success at that school.
When you meet with a counselor you can request their graduation rates at that time. If a massage therapy school has a lower than average graduation rate that should raise red flags. Low graduation rates can predict their students are not prepared for state examinations and haven’t been properly trained to practice after graduation.
Job Placement Statistics
Job placement statistics shows the amount of students that have found employment post-graduation. Many schools offer job placement assistance where they help you create a resume, send you job leads, and prepare you for your interview. If a school has a low job placement percentage then this may indicate their students don’t have enough resources to find employment.
This isn’t always a school’s downfall entirely, but it isn’t exactly the best predictor to what you may have to deal with later down the line. If a school has a higher percentage of students employed then they may have more connections to employers, better preparation tools, and consistent job leads.
Massage Therapy School Schedules
Many students face challenges such as finding childcare, family obligations, and finding time around your work schedule. Knowing what schedules a school offers is one of the first steps in determining what massage therapy school is right for you. Some schools offer the flexibility of teaching online and others offer day and evening schedules.
No matter your situation, it’s best to find a schedule that fits your lifestyle. If you work in the day, you can go to school in the evening, but if a school doesn’t offer night classes you’ll need to explore other options. Find a schedule that works for you and your family, so you can be a successful student one step closer to your goal.
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