Phlebotomy Student Success Story! classes, college, graduation, healthcare, phlebotomy technician Blog, News Phlebotomy Student Success Story! March 10, 2021
Joshua Salas Ultrasound Technician Student Testimonial certificate, classes, college, diagnostic medical sonography, healthcare, ultrasound Blog, News Joshua Salas Ultrasound Technician Student Testimonial March 3, 2021
5 Healthcare Career Training Programs That Take Under A Year to Complete become a medical assistant, career path, classes, college, dental assistant, healthcare, healthcare management Blog, News 5 Healthcare Career Training Programs That Take Under A Year to Complete February 17, 2021
3 Healthcare Careers That Don’t Require Direct Patient Care classes, diagnostic medical sonography, healthcare, healthcare management, ultrasound Blog, News 3 Healthcare Careers That Don’t Require Direct Patient Care February 10, 2021
Learning Hands-On Skills Safely During COVID-19 certificate, classes, college, coronavirus, covid-19, healthcare Blog, News Learning Hands-On Skills Safely During COVID-19 January 27, 2021
Becoming A Medical Biller and Coder from Home! certificate, classes, college, covid-19, healthcare Blog, News Becoming A Medical Biller and Coder from Home! January 13, 2021
New Ultrasound Simulation Lab that Prepares You for A Career as an Ultrasound Technician! classes, college, diagnostic medical sonography, healthcare, ultrasound Blog, News New Ultrasound Simulation Lab that Prepares You for A Career as an Ultrasound Technician! January 6, 2021
A Day in the Life of a Dental Assistant (Part 1) become a dental assistant, classes, college, dental assistant, healthcare Blog, News A Day in the Life of a Dental Assistant (Part 1) December 30, 2020
Careers That Will Prepare You for Nursing School become a medical assistant, college, healthcare, licensed vocational nurse, nurse assistant Blog, News Careers That Will Prepare You for Nursing School December 1, 2020
Why Should You Become a Dental Assistant? become a dental assistant, college, dental assistant, healthcare Blog, News Why Should You Become a Dental Assistant? November 23, 2020